Bingo c'est bien un ATC-510
Voici en copie 2 mails que je viens de recevoir à ce sujet:
Somewhere around here I have the operating manuals for the 510,
and the schematics for the 610 (same box with an ADF [I think]
Understanding the transponder is critical... It's actually the
programming console... Specific settings for localizer and ILS
approaches, for example... The unit came with a set of lesson
plans and audio tapes... The tapes would give ATC instructions
carefully timed to coincide with progress on your flight if you
had the power and airspeeds set right...
I played with mine and some of the tapes which were in horrible
shape and found that it was almost impossible to get it all timed
right... If one understands how to set the transponder functions,
it works better with an instructor playing ATC live...
If I can find them, I'll send you copies of the docs for the cost
of reproducing and shipping...
Email me and I will pass along a tremendous amount of information to
you about both maintenance and proper use of the 510. I used to
maintain about 65 of these for Professional Instrument Courses, Inc.
Your email address bounced back, although it seemed like a real one!
Avis c'est une antiquité (1974)
et le remettre en état peut couter cher.
La doc est en anglais et les cassettes audios aussi.
Par contre ya peut être une combine pour l'utiliser avec FS2002/4....